Month: March 2014

Learning to Play Together

Doing the LEAP games not only builds gross motor skills, but it also teaches kids about compromise, sharing and taking turns.  Children are learning that you can’t always win, which is an important life lesson!  Since we have a mix aged group that ranges from 18 months to school aged, we adapt activities to increase difficulty for older children. We played an activity where kids throw balls in a little bucket.  They start close to the bucket and move further away as their skills increase.  For younger children we hold the bucket close to the ground and lift it higher up for older children.  Activities can last from a few minutes to around 20 minutes depending on children’s interest. ~Jody, Early Childhood Educator, Lake Lenore, SK

A Walk in the Park

We walk a lot around the neighbourhood and in school where the centre is located.  Some children are not used to walking, but instead of carrying them we wait for them to join the group if they get upset and refuse to walk.  Within a week or so, the kids will get used to walking and not have a problem with it.  Kids love to do scavenger hunts and roll down the hill at the park (staff do it with them!) ~Robin, Early Childhood Educator, Saskatoon, SK

Snack Creations

At our centre staff and children make a snack together every 3rd Friday of the month.  Since the Healthy Start training we’ve been making Food Flair snacks on those days, like fruit pizza with the preschoolers and apple sauce with the toddlers. ~Jessica Bates, Director, Children’s Choice West, Prince Albert, SK  

A LEAP and a HOP

We have been using the LEAP resource activities within our classroom as the movement portion of our lessons, for planning quick body breaks, and for adding large motor play to our recess breaks.  These activities require minimal equipment, using everyday household items and provide clear instruction that even our grade five helpers can understand and implement.  We have distributed HOP recipes to parents seeking recipes that their children will enjoy.  These nutritious snacks and meals are both easy to make and delicious!  Thank you for these fantastic resources! ~Pre-Kindergarten Staff, Fairhaven School, Saskatoon, SK  



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