Water in winter?

People might think that water consumption isn’t as important over the winter, but dehydration can occur year round, even in the cold Canadian climate. Here are some important tips on staying hydrated over the winter months, as well as some tricks to put some colourful splash into your winter water.

  • Remember to match your water consumption to your activity level. If you’re being active outdoors building snow people, skating, or running, make certain to consume enough water. This is important for children too! Make sure the little ones have access to water when they want it and when they get busy and might forget, a couple of reminders are also great.
  • Have a nice warm beverage! Having cold glass of water can seem like an unpleasant task when it is 40 below outside. Some diluted (to reduce sugar content but still retain the chocolatey flavour) hot chocolate (to reduce sugar) or a caffeine free, fruity herbal tea can be yummy and warm for the whole family.
  • Eating veggies and fruit is always important, but snacking on both can actually help keep you hydrated. Try for veggies with high water content, like celery, lettuce or cucumbers. Melons (including cantaloupe and honeydew), strawberries and pineapple also have a high water content, making them great additions to your plate in the winter. (Frozen fruit may be easier to find and less expensive in the winter months)

Is the family bored with water and not drinking enough? Try adding:

  • Cucumbers and fresh mint to a jug of water to add fun flavour
  • Frozen blueberries to sparkling water for a fun and flavourful visual (try adding oranges for a new zip!)
  • Lemon, strawberries and fresh basil

Warm options:

  • Add a splash of honey to naturally sweeten up a caffeine free, herbal tea
  • Lemon (or you can use grated ginger root), ½ tsp of honey, and a sprinkle of cinnamon (optional)



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