Month: March 2015

The Connection – March 2015

Welcome to the first edition of The Connection | Connexions. This is Healthy Start/Départ Santé’s vehicle to communicate with partners, collaborators and stakeholders. It will be a twice annual publication highlighting new people, videos, and materials from HSDS, as well as keeping everyone informed with what is happening in Saskatchewan and New Brunswick with evaluation and outreach.

Thank you to Allysha Larsen!

It is with sadness that we announce Allysha Larsen’s (Project Coordinator) time with the Healthy Start (HSDS) project has come to an end. She worked for the Réseau Santé en français de la Saskatchewan (RSFS) / Saskatchewan Network for Health Services in French for over 4 years and in that time Allysha left an undeniable mark on the organization, as well as on Healthy Start. She contributed immensely to the development of the Healthy Start program, early in Phase 1, by gathering equipment, identifying resources and guiding work on creating standardized implementation for centres. Allysha defined precise steps and procedures, revised and edited the HSDS Implementation Guide and was instrumental in building the training program, connecting with centres and expanding the project throughout Saskatchewan. As a colleague, Allysha brought so much to the team with her professionalism, focus and Zen demeanour. On behalf of the Steering Committee, partners of HSDS and the whole team, we would like to sincerely wish you much success and happiness in your future endeavours!



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