Month: May 2018

The Saskatchewanderer visits La Petite jungle centre in Vonda!

The early years center La Petite jungle collaborated greatly with the HSDS team during their Healthy Start Booster that occurred on April 5th, 2018.  They had accepted to be part of a video shoot hosted by Saskatchewanderer in the goal to showcase the center’s Healthy Start moments during the « Framework for Recreation in Canada Forum 2018 ».  The children and educators enjoyed eating their healthy snacks in a family style meal setting as well as playing LEATM HOP games, dancing and singing and playing parachute games outside!  Big thanks to La Petite jungle!

How to nurture a Healthy start with active play!

Physical literacy is the ability and confidence to move and participate in physical activity in a variety of environments. It is an important part of a child’s development that can be overlooked due to their young age. It is never too early to start age-appropriate physical activity movements that can strengthen a child’s ability to be active. By giving a child an active start, you are setting them up for success in healthy behaviors that they can pursue over a lifetime. Participating in sports and physical activity in the future will be easier for a child who has had an opportunity to learn and practice fundamental movement skills. These skills include running, jumping, hoping, throwing, skipping, dodging, log rolling, dribbling, stork standing, catching, and striking. Here are some simple ways to encourage physical literacy for your little one(s) that you can try out in your own home. Remember with each activity to keep the focus on fun and the rewards will come naturally for both you and your child.   1. Bathtub Swimmer Age: 1 -3 years old Benefits: gross motor skills, leg coordination, strength Encourage your child to splash in the bathtub by kicking their legs from a reclined and/or sitting position. Variation: have your child push the water back and forth, using their hands as paddles. Support your child’s head if necessary. Source: 2. Toddler Obstacle Course Age: 2 – 5 years old Benefits: agility, balance, coordination Use a variety of safe items such as cardboard boxes, furniture, pillows, etc. to create a fun obstacle course throughout your house. Help your child move through the course, by prompting with ideas if they get stuck or to provide them with a new way of thinking. Participate actively alongside your child to ensure safety and assistance when needed. Once your child feels confident with the activity, encourage them to provide ideas for new items or to create their own obstacle course. Source: 3. Snow Play: Tricky Tracks   Age : 2 – 5 years old Benefits: gross motor skills, agility, coordination Take turns making a path with footprints in the snow, for others to follow along in. Have fun with the trail of footprints by changing directions as you walk, crisscrossing the path, and increasing the distance between the tracks by incorporating jumps. Help your child write their name and age in the snow. Look for animal tracks out in the snow. Use your imagination to create your own unique creature or machine footprints. Read the following poems about snow before this activity to encourage a discussion about how the snow can cause things to look differently, and to generate ideas on the fun that can be had with snow. Tracks in the Snow                                                          First Snow By: Wong Herbert Yee                                                          By : Marie Louise Allen Tracks in the snow                                                                Snow makes whiteness where it falls. Tracks in the snow                                                                The bushes look like popcorn-balls. Who made the tracks?                                                          The places where I always play Where did they go?                                                               Look like somewhere else today Source :

Interview with Béatrice Mbazumutima, Director of Centre Éducatif Félix le Chat

What is your experience with Healthy Start? It was a wonderful experience. The staff of the childcare centre are always supported by the Healthy Start team. They know that the team is available to provide more information when needed. The program has offers a variety of ideas and resources available to themfor the childcare staff. It has been helpful to receive new ideas for both indoor and outdoor physical activity. Recently, the center has received a bBooster session (Healthy Start site visit) to make sure that all the new staff is trained and to practice what they have learned at their workshop. Educators are therefore now more able to teach children about healthy eating and physical activity.provide guidance for children about nutrition and physical activity.   What are the successes of Healthy Start? The training sessions the staff received were beneficial. They raised consciousnessbecame more aware of certain  on certain subjects. Staff efforts are now Efforts are more focused on the importance of moving more and the concepts of the Division of Responsibility in providing meals in the centre. It is easier to increase and support children’s interests aroundbout physical activity. We They saw a difference in the children’s concentration and attention skills. As time and variety of physical activity increased, the children were quieter, less irritated and more alert. Healthy Start offers a multitude of alternatives for young children to stay in motionbe active. As a result, the level of activity of educators has also increased. Taking the time to exchange share ideas between amongst staff educators has also been as beneficial. Several sharing of ideas proved to be very interesting.   Have you experienced any challenges? Physical activities during the winter can be more complex. On the other hand, playing outside or in school hallways the installation of the external games inside the building has generated high interest form from the kids. Sometimes exposure toacceptance of a new food can take a long time. Some children may refuse to try a new healthy meal the first few times of it being offered. The Ellyn Satter “Division of Responsibility” was the most difficult concept to implement.   Have parents been influenced by Healthy Start? The parent handbook contains some Healthy Start concepts. The parents are also very busy, but they are often invited to participate in the educational sessions organized by the center.



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